Gitter Inventory

Making Soft Plastic Lures
Supplies and sources for hand pouring supplies
Color Chart
Size Comparisons
Gitter Inventory
Pricing and terms of payment, backorders, delivery
The following glitter is cut from polyacetate sheets and have a temperature limit of 300 degrees. Temperatures above 300, will cause curling and possible color bleeding. If you are not sure about the effects your heating method has on this glitter, e-mail me for free samples to be included with your order so you can test for shape and color in hot plastic. Samples are sent to existing customers who have ordered before.

Latest inventory as of 1/24/2008

Latest inventory as of   9/18/04:

.008  (very fine)

.015 (fine)
.025 (less fine) red,  maroon-purple
.040 (medium) 
.062 (larger)   

.090 (largest)  black, silver  (deforming)



black      .008; .015; .040; .090;  string

blue        .008; .015; 0.040

light  blue -grape)  .008      


chartreuse (yellow-green)       .008; .015; .040
bright kelly green   .015; .040
bright lime green   .015 
emerald green      .015; .040


marigold   (light orange)  .008; .015; .040


maroon/ fuscia  .035

purple violet    .008; .015; .040   (Note:  violet and maroon .040 may bleed in temps above 300 and more so on reheats. They produce a nice chameleon color in chartreuse or green plastics.)

red       .008; .015;  .025; .040


light copper      .008

copper penny .008; .015; .040

light gold        .008; .015
yellow gold    .008; .015; .040

14 K gold (deep)   .040

silver       .008; .015; .040; .062; .090 

chrome (medium dark silver)  .008


silver hologram       .062 only

gold hologram  .008; .015


florescent chartreuse .015

florescent orange .015


sugarr - .008; .015, .025  - clear flakes that allows light to pass through and adds weight and durability to the plastic

Last updated on 9/20/2010, 11:58:20 PM